Kikoenai Voice  


Thursday, May 05, 2005

I'm doubtful.. something is wrong.. this semester that is, in regards with my school work.
No matter how much time and effort I seem to put in, I just can't get it right. Please don't take it in the wrong way. I'm certainly not asking for perfection, but above average is what I seek and have been aiming for, not to mention working for. But perhaps I'm simply just not putting enough workload in.
Having said that, however, I am gladful for atleast one assessment achieved a very satisfactory grade.


I sit here in my bed typing these notes. My laptop on my eyes barely open.
Sometimes confusion gets to us all. For me though, it gets to me most of the time. There is just too many decision that a person must make, almost every second of their concious life. I wonder if I am doing the correct thing.. am I?
Will the althernative be a better decision perhaps? Or perhaps not..

I just seek my needs. But for the time being I can't get it. Infact all wants must be earnt. I must work in order to achieve this want. But anticipation on the future is also not a very good thing. I wont go into any details.

Good night all.

Blogged by Yosuke
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