Kikoenai Voice  


Mambo Mambo Mambooooo!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
To my surprise, this year Mambo was upgraded to the lovely MetroCity, Northbridge.
For a few years now it was constantly held at Paramount... no more.. hehe
This of course meant 99% elimination of Retro Music and great dedication to R&B.
All in all, whilst the alcohol lasted it was a good night.
Caught up with ppl I hadnt seen for a while and so forth.
Although I must admit that I had left rather early at 2am or just before.

It was so weird though. Usually I would meet up with Pam, Reags, Sandoraimbobitch, Esther, Kim, Ah Haur and th rest of the gang... but from this semester no more.
Nonetheless, I still had great company, Ash, Jackson, Marc, Ken Slut, Mod, Libby and few other ISC guys n gals!!

Left: Libby & Mod with me.. hehe love the girls!!
Right: Ken the slut .. and me getting red from this point forward

I was never good with alcohol. In the sense that it shows on my face rather quickly... oops
and showing at Metros probably brings back memories...
need i say more?

Left: Ash, Marc, Me.. still red.. haha
Right: Ash & Me... I look like such a loser... and Im so fat.. aiz...

Me & Marc.. I can never centre a self-portrait... or landscape??

Blogged by Yosuke
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Brass Monkey

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The Sunday following my birthday, I had a small gathering at BrassMonkey in Northbridge for several occasions.
1) Obviously my birthday
2) Another taka member's birthday (Toshi san)
3) A taka member's husband birthday
4) Farewell for Simon

It was a nice, relaxing evening surrounded by friends and all.
Thanks everyone for coming, and for those who didnt, you should be ashamed.
For those who wernt invited, two situations
a) my apologies; or
b) theres probably a good reason behind it

And get this. The people described from 1) to 3) have the same birthday... cool ey?

And also... I must apologize on behalf of stupid KEN who dunno how to focus photos... tsk!!

Left: Libby and Mod
Right: Ash and Marc

Left: Minako ne-san & me!!
Right: Tiar and me

Tequila tequila i love tequila!!

Some of the members from Taka new and old.

Our Birthday Cake

Left: Samantha and Renee turned up.. only to see no one they knew... sorry girls =(
Right: With the newer Taka gang (Left to right: Satoshi, Kaori, Reika, Reiko, Minako)

Stupid Nat!! got bottle on my head!!

Debbie managed to turn up to.. sorry again.. must have been a bit boring... =(

Taka (Barrack) members!! whippeee

Long lost brother n sister?

My birthday card from all
Thanks guys and girls

And those who couldnt fit on the front of the card.. haha

Blogged by Yosuke
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Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Yay!! Got my new specs!! Like A week ago.. hwa hwa hwa
Now nothing is blur.. I can actually see what it says on the board without havin to copy from someone else...

Blogged by Yosuke
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