Kikoenai Voice  


Monday, June 27, 2005
The window will not be open forever. Some will close in almost an instant, others perhaps a little longer, and the rest may even take years. But the bottom line is that its not forever. If you do not take the opportunity whilst the window is open, the chances are that you will miss out on it for rest of your life, and regret it.

Decisions however needs time, need to be thought over, for serious matters especially. That period of "thoughts" is perhaps one reason that an opportunity is missed out.

Yes Im regreting something. Perhaps if I took the opportunity then it might have been different. But who knows? It could have been worse as well.

Unexpected events. Some can sweep you off the feet, others will make you drown to the deepest part of the ocean. Down then up is always better, its the opposite (ie up then down) is what gets to people.

This blog is pretty self-explanatory, kikoenai voice - an unheard voice. My words, my thoughts, my expression, its not heard by anyone, some personal thoughts, some serious issues, and others I could probably blabber on for another eternity.

No one will be able to make me happy, it is I that must make myself happy. Having said that however, it is always the moral support, the physical existance and company of others which enables, helps a person (ie me) enjoy and appreciate for who they are.

Looking back at all my previous postings, I do tend to talk alot about crap, that no one could really care about. Self-centred is perhaps the best way to desicrbe it. Yes I am.

Blogged by Yosuke
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
Returned from the weekend of joy. Although there are some SERIOUS crap which I found out too but nevermind about that for now. Lets just concentrate on the better things of life. Bitching can come later, after all its fuckin 5am.

Friday night, drinking.. Tonight (Saturday) also drinking. Whats next? The world will turn upside down? Sun will rise from the west? The moon will look like a donut? Id luv to see that. Haha.

Metros.. hmm not my fav place in the world, but the company of friends made it worth while. However I must point out that I got to northbridge, realised I left my ID, then I had to cab home, then cab back to NBridge, then they never even fucking asked for my fucking ID!! What kind of world are we living in?

Saw so many friends.. Katie & Co.. Tomoe & Co.. Jesi & Co.. The entire Curtin gang (or Zhui Liao Club.. or smthing that i have no idea of spelling it..) except sandra due to unforseen circumstances ;) .. and ofcourse my lil sexi bum (aka Jiawah) working hard as usual at the bar downstairs, sorry didnt go say hi, but juz too crowded to move around.

All in all the best weekend this semester, especially after so many down times.

Anyway I am off to bed.. does anyone care? I do!! Therefore everyonelse should.. but do they? You tell me. haha

Good Night all. Thanks for the Great weekend!!

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Saturday, June 25, 2005
Longest semester, which went by way too quick.. make sense?
Perhaps all the exams are finally over, yet the feeling that it's not really over. Do you get what I mean?
The past couple of weeks has been quite stressful yet seemed quite relaxing. Yeah, contradiction.

One went down, then another went down.. then another.. then a week later another.
The final week was horrible. Study wise not so much, life wise.. crap.
First week was crap study wise, life wise probably one of the better weeks I have ever had.
How can study be crap and life be good? Perhaps study was so crap that anything else seemed a million times better.

Time to de-stress, unwind, and relax.
But how? You tell me. I got an idea or two.

I need new pics.. Melbourne was ages ago.. 周南, I miss ya heaps!! Wish you were here with me, Or I was there with you.

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Thursday, June 23, 2005



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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Life is like a cycle really, reoccuring events which never really tends to end. Perhaps we are supposed to be boring, perhaps we are supposed to be crap, or perhaps its not us, but its them!! or its Perth.

Here comes the holidays, with one final paper which some what I am very confident about. Not to mention though, it always happens to be that the most confident paper is the one u get the most dissapointment from. I learnt from my own personal experience.. but does any one care? I thought not.

I realise that I am full of logic, theorys, assumptions and just general crap that is.. err.. crap. I should relax, I should take it easy, yes I should. Its in the nature of a Leo. Full of ego, full of crap, full of pride, and absolute hate when people prove you (or me rather) wrong. Accepting the wrong is one thing, I can accept, although I hate it, but it gets on my nerves when others dont accept it, there for I conclude Leo's are selfish bunch of people.

But what can we do? Nothing. I mean think about it, assuming that star signs are the same, assuming that earth's population is distributed evenly according to star assigns and there are a little over 6billion people in this world, which means a little over half a billion leos. Whats that mean? A total chaos? But I know you all love me.. so be it (yes leos loves selfpraise too).

A friend once told me, self-praise is no praise (i think she is a leo too.. i mean she or a he), yet I say to another who says that self praise is still a praise? So which one should I take credit for? Being a leo, ofcourse the latter.

Which brings to my attention, it was only last year second semester that i learnt how to use "former" and "latter" in a sentence. Amazing huh? Just something random that popped into my head just now, if you couldnt careless, then turn your clock back 30 seconds, or however long it took for you to read, otherwise.. BUILD A BRIDGE<=== lamest thing ive heard yet, hooked to using eversince high school (special thanks to Jenna aka Geneva-Convention-Ette).

Enough crapping and more productive u say? SAY WHAT?!?! Productive? I dont think that is in my dictionary.. hmm..

Speaking of dictionary, I remember this dicitionary that a friend named Mary had made for me. (get it? mary mary dicitionary.. it rhymes!! i think). That was fun.. ohhh.. high school days. How fun was it? Very. Miss every moment of it. Come back.. come back (...jack...?? "Titanic").


Blogged by Yosuke
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Monday, June 20, 2005
Fuck the world, fuck life, fuck everything in my way.. get out of the way.. let me go..

Blogged by Yosuke
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