Kikoenai Voice  


Sunday, June 26, 2005
Returned from the weekend of joy. Although there are some SERIOUS crap which I found out too but nevermind about that for now. Lets just concentrate on the better things of life. Bitching can come later, after all its fuckin 5am.

Friday night, drinking.. Tonight (Saturday) also drinking. Whats next? The world will turn upside down? Sun will rise from the west? The moon will look like a donut? Id luv to see that. Haha.

Metros.. hmm not my fav place in the world, but the company of friends made it worth while. However I must point out that I got to northbridge, realised I left my ID, then I had to cab home, then cab back to NBridge, then they never even fucking asked for my fucking ID!! What kind of world are we living in?

Saw so many friends.. Katie & Co.. Tomoe & Co.. Jesi & Co.. The entire Curtin gang (or Zhui Liao Club.. or smthing that i have no idea of spelling it..) except sandra due to unforseen circumstances ;) .. and ofcourse my lil sexi bum (aka Jiawah) working hard as usual at the bar downstairs, sorry didnt go say hi, but juz too crowded to move around.

All in all the best weekend this semester, especially after so many down times.

Anyway I am off to bed.. does anyone care? I do!! Therefore everyonelse should.. but do they? You tell me. haha

Good Night all. Thanks for the Great weekend!!

Blogged by Yosuke
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