Kikoenai Voice  


Monday, May 23, 2005
Thoughts to myself:...
I wonder why bother with blogs? Do other bloggers come across the same thought? Why do it? Especially such a lame writer like me not to mention lame at html as well. Or is the grass always greener on the otherside.. or as they say anyway??

I mean why would I want people to know whats going on in my life? in my head? in my heart? Shouldnt this be kept as some secret? Most people would have very hard time trying to say these thoughts out loud. Or perhaps thats why they turn to blogs, they are not facing a physical person, yet its a place where a person can juz throw all their emotion on to.

Second of all, why would people exactly care? I wonder. Perhaps as a friend they would, but its like a secrecy that they are unveiling. I must admit, in a physical real person, I tend to be more cheerful, fun, energetic. Yet during my blogging hours I dont feel quite like that. Sometimes I do. I try to be. But there are just too many hardships in life that must come out of myself. I dont like to keep things inside yet I have problem telling people.

Perhaps I wrote some contradiction, but hey I'm just typing as it comes out. It's not suppose to make sense.. or I dont think its supposed to...


Eurovision was again an interesting event. The lame aspect brought a few laughs to me. Such an entertaining program, or atleast I thought so.. did anyone else? hahaha...

Class tomorrow morning. Not really looking forward to it but hey... I can't exactly avoide it either.. so Good Night all.. hope you all will hav the sweetest dream.

Blogged by Yosuke
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