Kikoenai Voice  


Sunday, September 25, 2005
After 2 weekends of not clubbing, it was perhaps time to go and see what it used to feel like. =P

As usualy was at metros.

Before all of this however, went to debbie's place to eat and wait for the girls to get ready. haha.
Thoes who were present was: Debbie (like duh), me (like duh), Cherry, Stuart, Kelwin, A and B. A and B were rather late rocking up when all of us had pretty much finished eating. Then what happened? They came, they ate, they left. Someone was busy.. hmm..

Esther was so gone last night. Yeah i mean realli..

I almost got kicked out man.. cuz I was sitting down and had my head down, cuz i was so tired last night. Then the dumb bouncer comes up "stand up please, u ok? if u gonna sleep u need to leave yadda yadda yadda".. so salaaaahhh!!

Ofcourse it was to be followed by supper session, tonight at Billy Lee's.

Blogged by Yosuke
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