Kikoenai Voice  


Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Back to the regular life as the tuition free week ended. Feeling quite tired. I don't know why. I wonder to myself, if I get tired from just 14 or so contact hour per week, then how will I ever cope full time hours of 38hours per week once I enter the workforce?

Anyway.. Having quite a stress actually. About Accounting (Systems) 204. I'm really not understanding anything. It's crazy really. Oh wellz. I'm gonna have to go into a social hybernation for couple of weeks I think. Try and learn. But I don't know what the fuck its on about, I mean the text book is useless, the lecture notes is filled with crap and I don't understand wot the hell we are supposed to do for our tutorial. Someone help??

Still waiting.. waiting.. waiting..

Blogged by Yosuke
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