Kikoenai Voice  


Sunday, September 11, 2005
First weekend this semester that I did not go clubbing. My weekend feels a little empty. Something missing (that something being that theres no clubbing). Here I am trying to finish off work that I barely have started for this week to come like most other students in Perth, or the world at large at that.

It's less than a week until my mother goes away on a trip to the UK. Still wondering what kind of souveniers to get from there. The only so called "top" range brands I can think of is Burberry. But bit of a grandpa brand if you ask me, and trusting my mom with her taste? Hmm debateable. Anyway whilst her absence, I will be housesitting at her place, taking care of my two dogs that had to be looked after by my mom for the past couple of years. Spoilt dogs they are. Gonna be pain to look after them but some what adorable despite their physical appearance.


Was told some facts recently. Made me think about it, but then I figured on other opinion. It's not my obligation to say or do anything about it. In other aspects, I feel emotionally distressed. Confused even. It's not the end of the world, far from it. Not a big drama, but that's what makes it more bothering, such a small issue but affecting me alot. Perhaps its not so much of a small issue afteral, perhaps it is a considerable issue, more than I know it.

Blogged by Yosuke
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