Kikoenai Voice  


Saturday, September 10, 2005
Funny, second time around should feel more comfortable, more confident. I did, until I saw the questions itself. Nothing I can do now anyway. Just hope for the best.

Lazy day. Hadn't slept the whole night as I started to study once I arrived home last night from Sandra's. Couldn't sleep, too scared that I wont be able to wake up in time. Finished the paper then went to the city to grab a bite. To my surprise Taka's Kitchen at Metro Food Court had closed down. So I had to walk all the way to Shafto Lane. What an effort. Takeaway home then ate at home.. like duh.

Chatted for a little while online until I concussed from extream exahstion. Didn't regain my conciousness until after dark. Too lazy to cook. Instant noodle was calling my name. What a coincident. Whippee...

Here I am typing away a whole heap of junk. It's a wonder how much time we have on our hands yet we complain that there is not enough, only to discover the findings that we are wasting much more than we know.


..."I want you to come into my arms, I will hold you tight, I will tell you how much I love you, how much I care. Come into my arms and I will never let go"...

Blogged by Yosuke
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