Kikoenai Voice  


Friday, September 09, 2005
Timely events:
Brilliantly woke up at 07:55 for a class that was impossible to attend to at 08:00. This occured due to the fact that I was stuck at school from 11:00 till 21:00, and other reasons that came with it. Decided not only to skip Finance lecture early in the morning but the Accounting (Systems) lab that followed at 10:00. Went to the other 2 classes of the day however. Finished off the assignment, submitted it, then off I went to the city to buy a couple of things and returned home just after 17:00. I watched the news as usual without sinking in anything that had happened in the world. I wonder why I watch it if I dont pay attention to it.

Decided to take a little rest before I got down to work for the upcoming mid-sem for Law(Corporation) on Saturday morning. Eventually I got bored.. started to laze around as per usual.

Due to the fact that I have a mid-sem on Saturday, I won't be able to attend the event on Friday night. It made me realise something. KEN!! has been spending more time with my friends than I have in the recent days (mainly due to Sandra however) but I'm feeling a tad socially outcasted, for no reason of theirs or mine. Just the timing issue with my assessments but hey.. what can I do? I'm sure they love me more than Ken.. infact I know so.. I mean think about it.. it's KEN for crying out loud.. KISS man.. seriously..

Despite the so claimed "social outcasting", Mervin decided to pop down for a smoke and for a chat after his work which made me feel better about the issue.

It's gonna be sucky going to uni on a Saturday. Mainly due to the fact that I'm gonna feel so isolated in such an isolated place, and that it's gonna be pain in the backside to get to uni on a non-weekday as there is no direct bus. Oh well.. tough luck for me.. I juz pray that I can pass all my units this sem, especially law.. oh god.. if i fail again.. i seriously will just kill myself.

Note to myself (and for everyone else to witness): Shut up, just fucking shut up.

Blogged by Yosuke
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