Kikoenai Voice  


Saturday, September 24, 2005
Went to DimSum at noon on Sunday morning. Ken, Sandra, Stuart, David, Lambda and ofcourse myself. Then decided to go to Gelato for ice cream.
Ken seems to enjoy licking like ALOT (See ↓↓↓ for Photographic evidence) .. amazing how his mouth is not touching another human being.. I mean one human being in particular.. Any way I had green apple and strawberry sorbet.

[Top left - Cant stop using his mouth and tongue :: Top Right - Green Apple and Strawberry Gelato :: Bottom Left - A Remake of King Kong :: Bottom Right - Nova FM, Proud Sponsor of King Kong Remake]

To my surprise, Sandra had only been Karaoke once in her entire life. Oh mann.. where have you been? So karaoke time it was.. and yes.. fish.. fish.. A and B.. fish..

Once the weekend was over and I realised I have a finance paper to do, it was time to start rubbing the text book against my head. Library was the place to be.. and plce to get distracted thanks to Josh!! I was studying nicely until he came along.. SO SALAAHHHH!!
Another thing I noticed was that specs make my nose look HUGE!! Most people, when they wear specs makes them look smarter.

Before... After.....

After gelare on tuesday, went to all night to buy one cup of coffee and then to makan2 to drink teh tarik. Some of us wanted omlet tho, or Teh 'O' tarik (which means nothing to me), or even Iced Teh Tarik with less ice. We managed to build the Great Wall of China in the perimeter of A and B's "space".

On thursday, I managed to get trapped between the table and the wall.. dont ask.. just look..

Oh yeah last night, we saw this gorilla looking type of thing standing in the middle of the road, hogging up a parking spot. No matter how many bananas we threw at him (or her..) he (or she) wouldnt move!! So rude maaan!! Yeah and ofcourse alot of cars went past to see the gorilla standing there hoping that it (YES I declare the gorilla is not a he or a she but an IT) it will move just for them.. and it did move for one car.. you can guess who? pretty obivous..

After dinner at ariels cafe.. which i never ever heard of, headed to potblack where we played the worst game of pool ever!! but it was all fun so its all good. And who would not get bubbletea when they go to northbridge?!?!?! Well not use obviously...

Just a snap of me and Mervin to end the night, and this blog entry.

Tonight will be debbie's, then metros!! whippiiiiieeee!!

Blogged by Yosuke
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