Kikoenai Voice  


Monday, October 31, 2005
We, Esther and Yosuke here by claim the positions, co-presidency in regards to the newly formed CBS Labbing Club.

Thank you
Seriously.. all I have been doing is goin to school and doing work.. like seriously.. ok maybe blogging too.. since faster to upload pic at school.. and I get carried away with it... woops...
Been here since 8am.. so tired.. but somehow I don't wanna go home.
I wanna stay here. Atleast got people.. people I don't know but they are people.. haha..
I mean I'm not faced with the burden of being alone in my room. That is the partial reason that I been coming to school everyday, from morning (or try to be) till night. But due to that I been having a relatively good sleeping pattern.. I'm usually in bed by around 1am.. and attempt to wake up at 6 or 7 am..

Blogged by Yosuke
0 slapped me

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