Kikoenai Voice  


Monday, December 19, 2005
Lifeless.. I just realised that the entries for my blog will pretty much be repetetetetetive untill people actually start coming back...

Few thoughts that has been going through my mind recently:

If I were to borrow an item of another (friend, classmate, family, whoever), it is customary to return that item to the party that I had borrowed from, not to mention it would most certainly be the morally correct thing to do. If this does not happen however, it is not only rude, inpolite and immoral (especially when the lender had requested for the item to be returned), but it is deemed to even be criminal. But since it's such a petty "theft", one will most likely not to press charges, so the guilty should rather consider him/herself lucky, for now anyway.

I wanna escape from Perth. Choices are as follows.
A - Feb 2006 - Melbourne
B - Feb 2006 - Sydney
C - Feb 2006 - Japan (Fukuoka)
D - Apr 2006 - Japan (Fukuoka)
E - Apr 2006 - Japan (Tokyo)
F - Jul 2006 - Eastern Aust Trip

Possible Combinations are (apart from just choosin one out of the 6)
A & B
A & F
B & F
C & F
D & E

But Feb to Japan will only happen if my mommy goes as well.. its too close not enuff time to save.. mommy = money = good.
April to Japan is possible.. only if I can hold up not spending great deal of money, but then that applies to any trip.. haiz.. maybe I just wont go anywhere.. BOOOOO

Increased hours.. Now working 47hour per week.. Well for another 2 weeks anyway.. which sucks.. Friday is the longest shift I got.. 15 hours but that needs to be cut back to just 5 hours.. fucking summer school..

I want a new phone!! I hate my phone.. Its a poo!! BOOOOOOO

Blogged by Yosuke
0 slapped me

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