Chinese Lunar Mid Sem 日韓 Result year Dayoooo~~
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Mid Sem paper is back!! I always thought Esther is o ne hell of a smart girl.. atleast compare to me.. always claim to be stardeeing n all.. but it turns out.. im smarter.. and i hardly study... cuz i beat her. Yeah I beat her but still we both below average... which the average is below fail ..
Average = 42% Esther = 32% Me = 35.5%
Anyhow... I heard its Chinese New Year.. But I'm not Chinese
People wish me well n all the stuff like gong xi blah blah and xin nian blah blah But I'm not Chinese
Lion dance with fire cracker, celebrate the beginning of new lunar year But I'm not Chinese
Ask me for an pao like I'm a married uncle But I'm not Chinese
Work in Japanese restaurant with more than half the staff consisting of Chinese But I'm not Chinese
Happy Lunar New Year dayo
Long long time ago Japan also do Lunar New Year, now just known as the "Old New Year" or "旧正月". Until one day it just happened that it would be more conventional to follow the solar calendar rather than lunar.
------------------------------------------ 日本語 + 韓国語 + Lee's English 国際交流
Lee is a funny korean guy at taka. Lee, Yoko and myself will often end up throwing up all our intestines from excessive laughter, a non-curable disease, highly contageous.
Lee keeps getting amazed at the similarity in the language between Japanese and Korean...
Aquarium in Japanese is Sui zok kan 水族館 Aquarium in Korean is Su zok gwan Aquarium in Lee's English is Fish House
Giraffe in Japanese is Kirin キリン Giraffe in Korean is also Kirin Giraffe in Lee's English is Long Neck
Calculator in Japanese is Kei San Ki 計算機 Calculator in Korean is Kae San Ki Calculator in Lee's English is Electronic Number
Once Lee was telling about this Korean dish. I asked what was in it.. he said Dok Dok.. Naturally I thought he was saying DOG since they eat dogs in korean anyway. Ends up he was trying to say DUCK.. I was wonderin where he was gonna get a DOG to eat as soon as he suggested that he will cook for me n Yoko...
Blogged by Yosuke
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