Kikoenai Voice  


ichi er .. sap sam

Thursday, January 12, 2006
1) I changed my msn as most would have figured out already. Big deal.

2) I bought a suitcase without getting any air/bus/rail/sea ticket to anywhere. Sale.. then I don't know what to buy but still wanna spend money.. then I just buy.. so Sandra we better fucking go on a trip in July.. or else.. I will forever UNDERestimate you and never OVERestimate you.

clause i) I should probably be the one saving up. I keep spending like no tomorrow.
clause ii) UNDERestimation is the correct estimation, general estimation is the overestimation and the OVERestimation is the super overestimation.

3) Summer is so boring.. I think addicted to V already. Can't stop drinking on the mornings of Tuesday and Friday (Class), and Saturday and Sunday mornings (Work).

4) Taka is making me fat. Stopped tapao-ing rice already and tapao vege instead. But the most useless fact is that I put Kyuupee maynaise which defeats the whole purpose of tryin to diet. Some more things I can eat in taka is all fried one.. KNN..

5) (Related to 2 - clause i) Smoking is bad for you. Like duh. Anyway, now buying cigarette whether its from black market for AU$5.50 or AU$11.00 from convinience store like it doesnt matter.

6) (Related to 2 - clause i) Taking taxi home from city at times just for the sake of spending money or lazy to walk couple of hundread meters to St. Georges Tce.

7) Enjoying going out with Esther for mainly food. I quit alcohol already. No time, no effort, no money.

8) The true fact of wallet -purchases are that you buy but you spend the money buying that you got no money to put inside the wallet itself.. KNN.. CCB..

9) Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer: what on earth are you talking about. enemies? keep themclose.. what for.. just tell them to fuck off.. I wanna be closest to my friends..

10) Sex is good for your well being. The more you get laid, the longer you live. (Look at Japanese people.. one of the highest life expectancy, for females I believe it is THE highest life expectancy)

11) Smoking is good for you (Contradiction from 5 which is related to 2 - clause i, but this is not related to 2 - clause i). Again life expectancy (See 10 for more details).

12) I'm going to sleep. G' Night

13) Stop reading.. seriously.. im going to sleep.. slmat malam

Blogged by Yosuke
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