Kikoenai Voice  


Curtin is a Homosexual Amphibian!!

Thursday, February 02, 2006
Lousy Curtin sent me this...


The Internet is for study and research and your usage for January(1258MB) far exceeds what could be for that purpose.

Unless you restrict your Internet usage to study and research you willbe restricted and may be charged for excess usage.

Be advised that in the near future an Internet Allowance of 50MB permonth will be introduced and any request for additional allowance(s)will have to be substantiated as required for study and/or research.

Use the Internet wisely. It is provided to assist your Curtin studyprogram.


50 fucking MB??? I doubt anyone is gonna be in uni much longer.. after paying so much for school fees.. we only get FIFTY????

Fuck curtin.. im gonna move...

OH SHIT!! too late to transfer to Monash.. KNN!!

Blogged by Yosuke
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