Kikoenai Voice  


My Easter Weekend

Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Ok.. the dates are a bit in the wrong order but hey.. live with it..

Thursday 13th April 2006

Which tie should I use??
Giorgio Armani VS Hugo Boss
Obviously I'd wear the Hugo since I bought it for the occasion.. haha

All getting dressed up...

Pre-Ball at the Reception place..

Mod still needs to attend Paparrazi 101.. can see ur flash!! ruin my picture!! boooo!!

Me Acting Cool.. but actually not so cool... haha

Then off we went inside to the ball room. Rather small I'd say...

OH MY GAWD!! The drinks were not free!! BOOOOO!!!!!

Right: Libby working hard to carry around the mic.. poor her.. got sore arm the next day..

Lining up to grab the food.. it was not bad lor.. I think they bring up the same stuff as the buffet they have at the restaurant downstairs... hehe

Esther was about to cry... seriously.. cuz she was so devastated... i dunno why..

I started.. and sandora followed.. Im such a trend starter...

Sandora and her star.. please.. how old are ya mate?!

Mod was hiding from esther and sandora.. cuz ... hey im just makin it up so i dunno why ok?

Finally a nice pic of me and Mod... kekeke

To my surprise I met Miki there... 運命的な再会だったね☆

My dessert...
From this point on the music cranked up and party started!! whippiiieeeee!!

Right: I lurve the photo!!

Went outside the ball room and tried to take act cool photos... hehe

And again... hehe

It was a really good night.. pitty Reagan couldnt get off work..!!
After wards went off to Northbridge after the girls got changed on the STREETS!!
Went for bubble tea but felt like socialising so joined the rest of ISC gang to supper.. hwa hwa hwa
and since it was already Sandora's birthday, Jason sang happy birthday to her!! very glam!!

A final group photo with the birthday girl!!
Wednsday 12th April 2006
Ok.. goin back in time one day, had celebrated Ah Huar's birthday at Hit Sutdio..
Im sure Pam will be coming up with lotsa great pics so I won't put too much and double the story..

Got so HIIIIIII tried to make gurls and boys to stand up and pounce around and sing.. do it the japanese style!!

To my left.. and to my right... literally...

Do you wanna know what happened??? *wink wink*

Thats what they consumed.. can u see my cigarette?? thats mine!! duh..

Then saying good bye to all.. or rather pam and dennis...

Decided to pose infront of pam's car... but I ended up lookin like i need to piss...

Hiding behind the tree..

Friday 14th April 2006
This time it was sandora's turn to have her birthday bash!!
Finally we got everyone together to have a BBQ at south perth!!
Acually I wanted to do this for a while.. I think some of the others may have also...

Libby got into her cooking... hehe

The cake that gave me the frustration later at night...

Photo of the girls.. and photo of the guys taking the photo of the girls...

If I'm not correct it went something like this
Pam: Shut up you all!! I'm tryin to explain the rules here!! If you dont shut up, I will burn a hole thru your belly with my cigarette!!
Ok.. mebbe it didnt sound like that...

OMG.. chicken flu...

Yummm she said... fattening I said...

Birthday boy and birthday girl...

Guess where this is??

After bbq.. we decided to be a pig and go buy ingredients for dinner
had the fresh vietnamese spring roll that we made ourselves at esther's house... hehe

Afther that.. was time to go to Burton's for drinking

So engrossed in crossword for a chance to win $4500

Anyway I left early cuz i needed to work the following morning.. and apparantly someone/ppl got drunk and wot not... haha

Blogged by Yosuke
0 slapped me

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