Kikoenai Voice  


Tuesday, May 23, 2006
EDIT: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - the girl in the following story is PAM!!

I just had the strangest dream last night.
Im quite scared to tell this and may result in my death BUT... im still gonna tell anyway cuz i know your all so sooo desperate to know...

In my dream (yes in my dream.. not in reality) last night...
I called my lovely-est friend.... a BITCH, a SLUT, a WHORE.. and wotever else..
And worst of all.. this all happened in HER HOUSE... how wacked is that..
Then somehow I tried to kick her out of her own house... in the end I got fed up and left or something... I cant remember...

So strange... anyway... This wont happen in real life... I should hope not anyway... hwa hwa hwa...

Blogged by Yosuke
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