Kikoenai Voice  


Airport, "Gym" and Coles

Sunday, June 04, 2006
Pam gone back home to Singapore...
Like ages ago... just decided to post today...
I was missing you soo soo much until i forget to post... yes.. im being serious...

Right: Whos the one flying? Dennis? or Pam? or Esther? nah.. Esther looks like she just got off the plane...

Woahhhh Unglamness of farewell...

Its not Pam's plane... but its cool.. arent the planes so beautiful?

Mod the little kid... so immature... and unglam...

Mod's private jet... well it's mine now!!

Then few days later.. the girls try to exercise.. in the comfort of their living room...
Not much of exercise.. couldnt even do one push up...

Followed by... Yoga?

Tried to walk on my knees.. but too pain... tiled floor...

Then dancing?

Stop pretending...

So much for exericise...

I'm outta here.. ciao..

Then few days following that.. saw this huge ass filled shopping trolley at Coles Supermarket... LoL

Blogged by Yosuke
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