Monday, September 11, 2006
Sometimes it's hard for me to look back on my past. Perhaps there has been alot of memorable times, but those daunting ones are there too. And one thing is for sure, the latter outweighs the former, just as with anyone.
We tend to take those favorable moments for granted, and forget those unfavorable ones without reflecting upon it.
Thinking back, life in general has taught me many lessons, physical and emotional. Hoping to become a better person. There are always a point in time that I regret, that I was glad, that I enjoyed, that I didnt want to experience. Life is not about getting from one place to another in a straight line in the fastest way possible. Its about taking time, exploring, enjoying, understanding. I hope I can share my thoughts, wonders, tears, laughters and other emotions with the people I love. I hope that they will do the same to me.
Thank you all for letting me be who I am.
PS Im not about to die or anything. Just a random thought.
Blogged by Yosuke
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