"Passengers Flying (Viewing) Kikoenai Voice Airline to WoopWoop Land, there has been a delay due to Slackness of the unqualified pilot (ie ME). The ETD is now .. err.. NOW... We apologize for any inconvenience it has caused."
So yeah the pic took longer than expected to be uploaded .. so wot u gonna do? Sue me?? Pffft.. I have every constitutional right to upload the pic however early or late I want. Freedom of speach equals freedom of whenever-i-want-to-upload-pic.. like duh...
Departing: Curtin University of Technology (And specializing in craptaculor internet)
Via North Bridge (Ariels Cafe)
Via South Perth (Mill Point)
Via Applecross (Applecross Point <= Fake name)
Final Destination : My House
Passengers continuing their journey back to CU of T may stay on board for a direct service to Lawson Street.
Please Note: This service is a codeshare service operated by Esther which has leased the transportation equipment from Pam.
There will be a light refreshment served at this transit location. The salted fish and chicken fried rice is recommended if u are a MSG lover.
Alternatively, there is Baked Pork Chop on Rice.. super nice.. discovered by Pam
Coffee Tee Mix to drain down all the food is offered. Please note that we do not serve coffe or tea seperately. Thank you for your co-operation.
South Perth
Look at the magnificent view!! Just spectacular!! WOW!! (how fake.. but it really was exciting.. really)
Passengers please be aware as this location has been known as ghost picture spot. Lot of blur and transparency may occur. It is perfectly normal for this to occur. Should you feel threaten by this please put on ur oxygen mask and breath normally (remember to put the mask on yourself before putting on your children).
Jack!! I'm Flying Jack!!
And I have ONE BIG FAT ASS just like Rose
Thank you for flying with Kikoenai Voice, We hope you had an enjoyable journey and hope to see you next time.
Breakfast @ Abacus..
I found a new toy that I want to buy.
This guy was so stressed. What a loser.. and he looked at us funny for takin his photo.. slut..